7 Tips: Finding the Best IT Support Company
Finding the Best IT Support Company – You can’t trust just anyone with the things you care about the most, such as your business. And when it comes to your IT support company, it’s imperative that you find the right fit. Locating the right managed IT services provider can seem impossible at first, but with diligence, patience, and a good bit of research, you can find the perfect match.
Check out these helpful tips:
1. Check For Experience
Not all IT support providers are the same. Some have a couple months’ experience, while others have 20 years’. Find out how many years they have been in business, and if they have any certifications or awards to back it up.
Is the company big enough to support all your needs? How many people are on staff, and which departments are they in? Are technicians doubling as sales people, and vice versa?
2. Speed of Service
Ask about response time. Every company has a different process when it comes to client support, which means these times can vary by quite a lot. Find out how long they typically take to respond to urgent issues, when you can expect onsite support, and how quickly those issues are typically resolved.
3. Go Local
When a computer problem arises, you want to be as close as possible to your provider. On-site support is a huge benefit when choosing an IT services provider you can trust. Their technicians can arrive on scene quickly to fix the issue without you having to bring everything to them.
4. Support of Servers/Workstations
The company you choose should have experience with workstations or servers that run on your system, such as Windows, MAC OS or Linux. It’s important to locate an IT company that can support your system, as you don’t want to have to switch infrastructures.
5. Check on Certifications
One way to know if you are partnering with a reputable organization is to find out what kinds of certifications, awards and affiliations they have. Ask for a list, and they should be able to provide it.
6. Look Over the Contract
Before you agree to anything, take a look at the fine print of the contract to ensure your expectations line up with their offerings. This will help you avoid surprise charges later on.
7. The Right Fit
On the flip side, find out if you meet their prerequisites for taking you on as a client. Maybe they deal mostly with small businesses, but you’re a larger corporation. Perhaps they require you to have a certain amount of workstations or users in order for them to agree to take you on. Know their standards in advance are so you don’t waste anyone’s time.
In conclusion, finding the best IT support company involves homework on your part so you can make the most accurate decision possible.
Contact Monmouth Computer Associates
If you want a local, reputable, experienced business IT support company you can trust, get in touch with Monmouth Computer Associates today!